- 小倪出生后,从没长过头发,懂事后,感到自卑。
- Small ni after birth , had long hair , sensible , feel inferior .
- 当别的女同学匆忙赶到时,小倪已经坐在教室读过几遍课文了。
- When the other girls hurried , small ni have been sitting in the classroom to read the text many times .
- 倪和她丈夫不想冒险一起外出因为担心她们返回时会发现她们仅有的财产散落在大街上。
- Ni and her husband do not dare go out together for fear they might return to find their few belongings on the street .
- 研究人员通过观察发现,病人r的行为与交流通常反映出深度与自我洞察力。
- The researchers observed that patient r 's behaviors and communication often reflected depth and self-insight .
- 虽然听起来让人感觉很难完成的任务,实际上计算出p/r比率并不很难。
- Though it may sound intimidating , figuring a p / r ratio isn 't too tough .
- r是用于数据处理,统计计算,绘制图表的扩展性很高的开源语言和环境。
- R is a highly extensible , open source language and environment for data handling , statistical computing and graphical techniques .