- 战争深刻迫使历史向前并改变了历史的进程。
- War compresses history and dramatically changes its course .
- 克丽丝参加过一个excel培训课程。
- Kris took an excel training course .
- 我们必须保持更为中间的路线。
- We must chart a more centered course .
- 有些人认为这是阶级斗争。
- Some see this as class warfare .
- 参加个健身班或营养班。
- Take a fitness or nutrition class .
- 我要去上踢踏舞课。
- I 'm going to tap class .
- 关于这个主题的讨论五花八门。
- Theories on the subject abound .
- 举一个一夫多妻制的主题。
- Take the subject of polygamy .
- 把书按开本和主题分开。
- Sort books by size and subject .
- 第二节塔身被吊了起来。
- The second tower section is lifted .
- 这部分就相当于一把双刃剑。
- That section is rather double-edged .
- 注:精通日语的读者可以忽略这节。
- Note : proficient japanese speakers may skip this section .