- 这场朗读会证明了什么叫真正的“公众领域”:乔伊斯的作品现在属于所有人。
- The reading was a reminder of what " public domain " actually means : joyce 's work now belongs to the people .
- 十九世纪,公立学校兴起,其部分原因是需要教会越来越多移民劳动力基本的读、写、算技能。
- In the 19th century the public-school system grew partly from the need to teach the growing immigrant workforce rudimentary reading writing and math skills .
- 所以,瓦斯普契这个多次受雇于葡萄牙和西班牙王室的佛罗伦萨探险家,用驰骋的想象力描绘的南美洲东岸航行满足了当时读者的期待。
- So vespucci , a florentine adventurer variously in the employ of the portuguese and spanish crowns , met the expectations of the reading public of his day when he let his imagination rip in describing his voyages along the eastern coast of south america .