- 最棒的恶作剧总是让人分不清合法与非法,阳春白雪和下里巴人,对与错的界限。
- The best pranks have always blurred the lines between legality and illegality , good and bad taste , right and wrong conduct .
- 但是她坚守阵地,非但没有逃离,反而像女妖一样一把抓住我,将我抛进是非、政治、法西斯主义等诸如此类的无聊而荒凉的空间。
- But she held her ground , and instead of herself being scared away , she snatched me up like some ogress , and swept me off into the empty desert spaces of right and wrong , politics , fascism and the rest .
- 切记,阴和阳,好和坏,对和错!
- Remember , yin and yang , good and bad , right and wrong !