- 因此这产生了一个向外的量子压力来对抗激光阱的束缚。
- There is therefore an outward quantum pressure forcing against the constraining laser trap .
- 反对人士认为这是个陷阱。
- The opposition senses a trap .
- 对于今天以色列所陷入的这种困境要付最大责任的恰恰是内塔尼亚胡。
- No one bears greater responsibility for the trap israel finds itself in today than mr netanyahu .
- 这是个常见的文学伎俩。
- This is a familiar literary trick .
- 最后一个是个小把戏。
- That last one was a trick .
- 相反,他用了个聪明的伎俩。
- Instead he pulled a smart trick .
- 比如,其对腐败的定义标准可以诱使许多客户国陷入政治争论。
- Its measures of corruption , for example , inveigle their way into the political debate in many of its client countries .
- 计算机安全公司迈克菲这周发布的报告发布了一个名叫“shadyrat”为其五年的调查结果,有哪些攻击是使用“远程访问工具”来诱击计算机网络的。
- A report this week by mcafee , a computer-security company , reveals the results of a five-year probe called operation shady rat , examining attacks that use " remote access tools " to inveigle access to computer networks .
- 她靠耐心和交际手腕,到头来是能引诱他与她结婚的。
- With patience and diplomacy , she can eventually inveigle him into marrying her .
- 实际上,他们是在试图哄骗、吓唬和安定那些作为他们观众的全球散财童子们。
- In reality , they 're trying to cajole , bluff and calm their audience of global money-sloshers .
- 哄骗并寻求说服,成了今天的主流。
- To cajole and to seek to persuade is the order of the day .
- 感谢我的facebook上的朋友,在我低落的时候,他们帮助我,鼓励我,哄我,打趣我,分享积极的内容给我,给我指出一条光明的道路
- I 'm thankful for my facebook friends , who help and encourage and cajole and tease and share and point me towards the light when I 'm in a dark place .