- 细节决定成败。
- The devil will be in the details .
- 该报告给出了许多令人意外的细节。
- The report is packed with surprising details .
- 罗根详述了欧洲帝国主义者缓慢入侵阿拉伯世界的几乎每一个角落。
- Mr rogan details the slow encroachment of european imperialism into nearly every corner of the arab world .
- 这件事情的详情对英国有着非同寻常的意义,因为默多克在这里一直能够推动有害的媒体资产集中。
- The particulars of this affair are unique to britain , where mr murdoch has been able to build up an unhealthy concentration of media assets .
- 由此他知道你不会关注购车的细节,你也不会开车走遍全城只为询得一个更好的价格。
- He knows you won 't be looking too closely at the particulars of the deal and you aren 't likely to drive across town to try to get a better price .
- 现在它也已经展示出了一部百老汇的音乐剧和这次的剧情片,大小艾迪的故事看起来比它的细节有些更大的东西。
- Now that it has yielded a broadway musical and this dramatic rendition , the story of big edie and little edie seems like something larger than its particulars .