- 其他专家的建议则非常直截了当:这次,要挖掘问题的根源,调查是否存在隐瞒,并确定问题是仅存在于小报《世界新闻报》还是扩大到了新闻集团文化的其他领域。
- The advice from other experts is straight forward : this time , get to the bottom of what occurred , find out if there was a coverup , and determine if the rot was unique to the down-market news of the world or if it extends elsewhere into the news corp. culture .
- 4月26日,亚马逊首席财务官thomasszkutak称,公司仍在设法探究上周那场故障的根源,这次故障导致众多由其提供主机的企业网站要么宕机,要么运行慢得难受。
- On april 26th amazon 's finance chief , thomas szkutak , said the firm was still trying to get to the bottom of a glitch that caused numerous websites it hosts for other businesses to crash or run painfully slowly during the previous week .
- 对于你的问题你选择忽视直接肤浅的答案,现在你觉得不得不追根究底。
- You disregard superficial or pat answers to your questions now and you feel impelled to probe until you get to the bottom of some situation .