- 言下之意是说那些试图解决不确定性和难题的人狡猾多疑,还有可能不诚实。
- The implication is that those who try and tackle ambiguities and difficulties are sly suspicious and probably dishonest .
- 而一些富裕的投资者则迫切希望挤进门来,他们正采取一些狡猾的方式将资金投入所谓“已封闭”的基金。
- Some wealthy investors are so keen to get a foot in the door they are taking sly steps to get their cash into so-called " closed " funds .
- 铺地板的漆布上的正方形与菱形中那些严厉的、狡猾的脸孔变得温和起来,不是用过去那样恶意的眼睛来窥视他了。
- The grim sly faces in the squares and diamonds of the floor-cloth , relaxed and peeped out at him with less wicked eyes .
- 但不变的,是他的奸诈狡猾。
- Yet he was no less cunning .
- 这就是它的狡猾之处。
- Yep that is cunning all right .
- 狡猾的西方金融业用那些“次级”材料批量生产此类资产,后果现在大家都知道了。
- Our cunning financial sector fabricated such assets wholesale , from those " subprime " ingredients , with results we now see .
- 如果所有的战争开销都是通过狡诈地向国外贷款和罪恶的通货膨胀来支付的呢?
- What if all wartime spending is paid for through the deceitful and evil process of inflating and borrowing ?
- 我从没见亨廷顿做过任何骗人的或是恶意的事情,也从没见他为了权力或后门或方便而牺牲他的原则。
- I never saw sam huntington do anything deceitful or malicious , never saw him sacrifice his principles for power or access or expedience .
- 正如耶利米所写:人心比万物都诡诈,坏到极处,谁能识透呢?
- As jeremiah writes , " the heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked : who can know it ? "
- 这有时很复杂微妙。
- This has sometimes proved tricky .
- 萧条正巧又在一个微妙的时间来临。
- The recession has come at a tricky time .
- 两方为敌时,这么做有些微妙。
- That is tricky when they are the enemy .
- 同时还增加了一个新的管理层来帮助训练和指导工程师。
- It has also added a new layer of managers to help train and instruct engineers .
- 这是因为安斯沃斯和鲍比的理念具有一种真正的影响力他们的研究结果与当时大多数儿科医师以及其他指导专家的做法大相径庭。
- That 's because ainsworth and bowlby had a real impact -- their research made a huge difference in the way pediatricians and other experts instruct parents to respond to their children .
- 其实当初孩子的大夫就有义务指导我应该给他大量喂食“水解配方奶粉”,这是毫无疑问的。
- Under those guidelines my pediatrician would have been obligated to instruct me to use " an extensively hydrolyzed formula " without question .
- 问题的关键在于那一系列困扰当前经济复苏的经济学悖论。
- The answer lies in one of those paradoxes that plague our economy right now .
- 人生充满了种种矛盾兴困境。
- Life is filled with paradoxes and dilemmas .
- 但是,一旦更近距离地考察亚洲的经济和社会前景,你就会发现该地区暴露出许多矛盾。
- But closer examination of the region 's economic and social prospects soon reveals many paradoxes .
- 为什么梦会如此怪异和陌生?
- Why are dreams so strange and unfamiliar ?
- 这个陌生的母亲是如此的淡漠!
- The indifference of this strange mother !
- 陌生的世界对它完全地开放。
- Strange worlds were now open to it .