- 该译本不仅警醒世人国难当头,激励他们保家卫国、免遭灭种之灾,还对主导诗学产生了极大影响,它大大改变了小说地位、写作风格、语言以及人们对待外国文学的态度。
- The novel thus translated not only awaked people to the advancing menace and inspired them to defend their own race , but also had tremendous impact on the development of the dominant poetics in terms of fiction 's status , language , writing style and people 's attitudes toward foreign literature .
- 一些评论家把麦克白看成亚里斯多德悲剧主角理念的完美范例,亚里斯多德在《诗论》的第十三章详细地讲述了这一理念。
- Macbeth has been regarded by some critics as the perfect exemplification of aristotle 's notion of the tragic hero as aristotle elaborated it in chapter thirteen of the poetics .
- 戴望舒诗论的主要特征与法国象征派诗论的基本特点有诸多契合。
- Much affinity exists between the main features of dai wangshu 's poetics and the essential characteristics of the french symbolist poetics .
- 欢迎大家一睹牛仔诗的盛况。
- Welcome to the phenomenon of cowboy poetry .
- 怎样做才能使诗流行起来呢?
- What can you do to help popularize poetry ?
- 对普通读者来说,诗很难懂吗?
- Is poetry too complicated for the average reader ?