- 几个月前发布常规通货膨胀报告时,他刻薄地评论道,分析师们拿的薪水“足够高”,应该能把报告看下去。
- Releasing a regular report on inflation a few months ago , he cattily observed that analysts were " paid enough " to be able to read it .
- 试想一下,如果你保留着他们,你的孙子们就能阅读到你今后五十年的智慧结晶;要不然,你决定用一个昨天买的智能手机把他们单独地限制着,这是很困难的。
- Just think , if you preserve them , your grandchildren will be able to read your jewels of wisdom fifty years from now , which may prove exceedingly difficult , should you decide to confine them solely to a smart phone you purchased yesterday .
- 即便这样,雇主们还说很多大学毕业生会有表达不清、不能批判地思考的问题,而且阅读和写作也差强人意。
- Even then , employers say that many graduates emerge inarticulate , unable to think critically and barely able to read or write .
- 识字的女性往往婚龄较晚,家庭规模较小。
- Literate women tend to marry later and have smaller families .
- 作为士兵里仅有的几个识字的,莫言写作还有稿费。
- Being one of the few literate soldiers , mo yan was paid to write .
- 我不识字,所以今后,我只用指纹就能在印度的任何地方直接用我的银行账户了。
- I 'm not literate so if I just show my fingerprints I will be able to access bank accounts anywhere in india .