- 物体识别长期以来一直困扰着人工智能研究者。
- Object recognition has long troubled ai researchers .
- 一个是对这个问题的严重性认识不足。
- One is lack of recognition of the seriousness of the problem .
- 这个认识模式的过程正是创造性思维产生之路。
- It 's this pattern recognition process that leads to creative ideas .
- 研究人员将抱怨和批评做了区分。
- Researchers distinguish between complaints and criticisms .
- 工程师们仔细区分这两者。
- Engineers distinguish carefully between the two .
- 明镜:您能分辨出长跑的新手和老将吗?
- Spiegel : can you distinguish a beginner from a veteran runner ?
- 随后手术去除了那个点样病灶。
- Surgeons later removed that spot .
- 而且,现货价格容易波动。
- Spot prices are also volatile .
- 挑战在于如何发现这些机会。
- The challenge is to spot them .