- 证人推翻了她原来的证词。
- Eg. the witness disaffirmed her former testimony .
- 目击者所画的不明飞行物示意图。
- Sketch of a ufo made by a witness .
- 只是一个证人就会有影响。
- Just one witness makes a difference .
- 迄今为止迹象是混杂的。
- The evidence so far is mixed .
- 根茨科又寻找其它证据。
- Gentzkow looked for other evidence .
- 现有的证据相当令人信服。
- The evidence is pretty compelling .
- 仿佛我是一名当红的饶舌高手。
- And I 'm a famous rapper .
- 著名的音乐人,饶舌歌手与音乐制作人。
- A renowned musician , rapper and music producer .
- 这一最新事业,对于这名饶舌歌手而言来得颇早,但对于管理大师职业而言却是姗姗来迟。
- For the rapper , this latest career move has come early . But for the management guru industry , it is long overdue .