- 那是一篇绝好的讽刺。
- It was a wonderful satire .
- 进入假新闻和讽刺的世界吧。
- Enter the world of fake news and satire .
- 她是讽刺作品《与贵宾犬随行的女人》的作者。
- She is the author of the satire women who run with the poodles .
- 这种具有攻击性的幽默方式是通过对别人的戏弄、挖苦和嘲笑来达到批评他人的目的。
- This aggressive type of humor is used to criticize and manipulate others through teasing , sarcasm and ridicule .
- 假如在相处时负面评价、挖苦、轻蔑经常出现,则关系几乎就死定了。
- If strongly negative comments , sarcasm and contempt emerge more than sparingly , the relationship is almost certainly doomed .
- 但是也许挖苦是他喜欢的你身上的一个特征之一(但是不要一直这么对他)。
- But maybe sarcasm is generally one of the traits he loves about you ( just not directed at him all the time ) .
- 这是一首形容外出旅游的打油诗,意在讽喻观光旅游走马观花之状。
- This is a limerick to describe traveling , sightseeing cursory intended to satirize the like .
- 这三个汉字原意为“你赢了”,而在中文里,“算”与“蒜”发音相同。人们用“蒜你狠”来讽刺今冬大蒜和其他食品价格的飞涨。
- This three-character expression , which originally meant " you win " with the first character carrying the same pronunciation as garlic in chinese , is used to satirize soaring garlic and food prices this winter .
- 网民使用它讽刺今年冬天大蒜和食品价格的飞涨。
- Netizens used it to satirize soaring garlic and food prices this winter .
- 这个专门课程以模拟的鸡尾酒会开场。
- The workshop starts with a mock cocktail party .
- 为了测试这个想法,史蒂芬博士用一个模拟的波音757机身和一些乘客做了个实验。
- To test the idea , dr steffen conducted a test using passengers and a mock boeing 757 fuselage .
- 你要利用所有来自已经被认可的模拟设计的图形元素,把它们放进功能性网页中。
- You need to use all the graphic elements from the approved mock design , and put them into functional web pages .