- 把覆盖在读经台上的织物精心制成褶皱状。
- Carefully draped the fabric over the lectern .
- 在粗糙的读经台后面,偏向一边,是一座挂着幕布的木偶戏台。
- Behind the crude lectern , off to a side , stands a curtained puppet theatre .
- 读经台上的十字架、福音书以及从读经台上垂下来的飘带,他都圆满地做成了。
- He is perfectly successful in the cross on the lectern , the gospel , and the drapery that hangs down from the lectern .
- 一年前,我站在这讲台上,并呼吁建立独立的巴勒斯坦国家。
- One year ago , I stood at this podium and I called for an independent palestine .
- 我站在离他演讲的讲台几英尺的地方看他演讲,但被他的安保人员架走了。
- I stood several feet away from his podium and watched and was shuffled around by his security people .
- 他坐着轮椅从电梯里出来,然后站起身,拄着拐杖走到了发言的讲台。
- He came off an elevator in a wheelchair , then stood and walked to a podium on crutches .