- 戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)领导的英国政府绝对愿意站在站台上向他们挥手告别。
- David cameron 's british government is perfectly content to wave goodbye from the platform .
- 马萧配的竞选纲领就是改善两岸关系。
- The pair campaigned on a platform to improve cross-strait relations .
- 你要到对面的月台才对。
- You need to go to the opposite platform .
- 在特别搭设的讲台上,发言者将年轻的叛军称赞到深夜。
- From a specially raised dais , speakers praised the young rebel fighters late into the evening .
- 他匆匆离开讲台,留下了惊讶的莫恩,独自蜷缩在风中。
- He hurried from the dais , leaving maughan , astonished , twisting in the wind alone .
- 在共和党总统候选人的最近一场辩论会上(这无疑是指上周二晚上),几名候选人纷纷指责美联储的政策助长通胀。
- In the last debate and doubtless on tuesday night , when the republicans take again to the dais candidates accused the fed of fuelling inflation .