- 认识到原谅别人的益处。
- Recognize the benefits of forgiveness .
- 许多哈佛学生都承认这一点。
- Many harvard students recognize this .
- 应该是很容易识别的。
- Should be very easy to recognize .
- 我们现在还不知道。
- We do not yet know .
- 记者们需要懂英语。
- Journalists need to know english .
- 如果你懂我的意思的话。
- If you know what I mean .
- 这是对未能在早期识别问题的惩罚。
- The cost of failing to identify errors early is punishing .
- 鉴定自闭症的最佳办法是观察孩子的行为方式和与人交流方式。
- The best way to identify autism is to watch how a child behaves and communicates .
- 网站没有确定照片上女性的身份。
- It did not identify the women .
- 有些事情承认起来会不好意思。
- Some things are embarrassing to admit .
- 诺基亚是否应该承认在软件方面落败?
- Should nokia admit defeat on software ?
- 官方承认他们犯了错误。
- Officials admit that they made mistakes .