- 乐高按照星球大战人物造型制作的人仔闹钟。
- Lego minifig alarm clocks shaped like star wars characters .
- 我们的ialarmclock仅需要第四页的信息--闹钟零件属性。
- Our ialarmclock just needs the information from page four - alarm component properties .
- 医疗界的其他领导人也发出了同样的警告。
- Other medical leaders also expressed alarm .
- 错误警报也可能意味着对法国银行业信用评级的下调。
- The erroneous alert also contained possible changes to the credit rating of french banks .
- 他补充说,意大利警方已要求其它大使馆提高警戒级别。
- He added that police had urged other embassies to raise their alert levels .
- 在那一地区的韩国军队和美国军队都处于第二最高的警戒级别。
- South korean and us forces in the region have been placed on the second-highest alert level .