- 一位警察站在15码远的地方,手中举着牌子提示可以为他们提供电话,另一名警察手持听筒,还有一名警察拿着扩音器。
- A police officer , standing about 15 yards away , held upacardboard sign offering a telephone land line as anotherofficerheld up the handset . A third officer used a bullhorn .
- 巴基斯坦拉合尔:在遭到枪手的袭击后,警察学校里扔出了催泪弹,一位负伤的警察卧倒在地上。
- Lahore , pakistan : an injured police officer lies on the ground while a teargas cannister discharges in the compound of a police academy after it was attacked by gunmen
- 最后本研究建议警察机关对于勤务之规划与编排,应考量员警个人因素,适才适所;全面提升员警工作生活质量,致力争取员警福利;并藉工作专业能力之提高,以提升员警工作投入程度。
- Finally , this study suggest to police department that the police duty programming should consider the factor of individual eligibly , and promoting the quality of work life for police officer , fighting for their welfare , and raising the degree of job involvement with the promoting of work ability for police officer .