- 警察为遗体检查、拍照。
- Police examined and photographed corpses .
- 警方的卡车在周边环绕。
- Convoys of police trucks circled .
- 警察相信了他的说法。
- The police bought the story .
- 乐高按照星球大战人物造型制作的人仔闹钟。
- Lego minifig alarm clocks shaped like star wars characters .
- 我们的ialarmclock仅需要第四页的信息--闹钟零件属性。
- Our ialarmclock just needs the information from page four - alarm component properties .
- 医疗界的其他领导人也发出了同样的警告。
- Other medical leaders also expressed alarm .
- 经济学家警告称,前方仍有风险。
- Economists warn that risks still lie ahead .
- 专家发出警告,在办公桌边吃午餐将会双倍加重患致命血栓的机率。
- Eating lunch at your desk could double the chances of developing a fatal blood clot warn experts .
- 在没有将债务纳入模型的世界里,是不可能就债务通缩型衰退发出警告的。
- It is impossible to warn against a debt deflation recession in a model world where debt does not exist .
- 1777年7月,英国将军约翰伯格成功的在defiance山上架设了火炮,在亚瑟将军领导下的提康德罗加的驻军被迫撤离之后,提康德罗加堡再次易手。
- In july 1777 , fort ticonderoga changed hands again , after british general john burgoyne managed to place a cannon on mount defiance and force ticonderoga 's garrison under general arthur st. clair to evacuate .
- 科克先生的地头是提沃利庄园,一个靠近滨水码头的城市中心要塞。
- Mr coke 's home patch is tivoli gardens , a tough inner-city garrison close to the waterfront .
- 四天后,在拥挤的波士顿音乐厅,备受尊敬的威廉加里森也加入了庆祝修正案获得通过的人群。
- At a packed boston music hall four days later , the venerable william lloyd garrison joined in a celebration of the amendment 's passage .
- 要是我对警察说,简就会死的。
- If I tell this policeman , jane will die .
- 警察乙:他在这里呆了十五个小时!
- Policeman : he 's been here for fifteen hours !
- 他举了一个警察与秘密线人交谈的例子。
- He gave the example of a policeman talking to a confidential informant .