- 因为能源是所有现代经济发展的基石,所以自然而然,廉价的、取之不尽的、无污染的太阳能将是美国和世界各国金融体系得以维持的依赖。
- Because energy is the bedrock of all modern economies , it stands to reason that founding our financial system on inexpensive , inexhaustible , and clean solar energy is the best coarse of action for the united states and the world .
- 按理说,后者的说法只不过是一个完全无理猜测,这可能是因为无偿转给因为它是先进的。
- It stands to reason that the latter assertion is nothing more than a wholly unwarrantable conjecture , which may be passed over as gratuitously as it was advanced .
- 要是戴奥辛和游离辐射会致癌,那麽理所当然,减少暴露其下应该能增进公众的健康。
- If dioxin and ionizing radiation cause cancer , then it stands to reason that less exposure to them should improve public health .