- 珠宝商也在成批以固定价格购买贵金属,以对冲价格进一步上涨的风险。
- Jewelers also are buying precious metals in bulk at fixed prices to hedge the risk of further spikes .
- 珠宝商也在成批以固定价格购买贵金属,以对冲价格进一步上涨的风险。
- Jewelers also are buying precious metals in bulk at fixed prices to hedge the risk of further spikes .
- decide.com共同创始人兼首席技术专家、华盛顿大学(universityofwashington)计算机科学教授奥伦埃齐奥尼(orenetzioni)说,“在互联网时代,固定价格已是过去式了。”
- ' In the age of the internet , fixed prices are a thing of the past , ' said oren etzioni , professor of computer science at the university of washington and co-founder and chief technologist at decide.com .