- 应少吃胀气或难消化的食品,如豆类,芋艿,山芋等,避免腹胀压迫胸腔而加重呼吸困难【功能主治】宣肺解表,化痰止咳平喘。
- Should eat less bilge gas or indigestible food , be like legume , taro , sweet potato , avoid abdominal distension and oppressive thorax and aggravating breath is difficult [ function advocate treat ] announce lung induce sweat , expectorant relieve a cough smooth asthma .
- 应少吃胀气或难消化的食品,如豆类,芋艿,山芋等,避免腹胀压迫胸腔而加重呼吸困难【功能主治】宣肺解表,化痰止咳平喘。
- Should eat less bilge gas or indigestible food , be like legume , taro , sweet potato , avoid abdominal distension and oppressive thorax and aggravating breath is difficult [ function advocate treat ] announce lung induce sweat , expectorant relieve a cough smooth asthma .
- 可发汗解表、温肺止渴,对流行性感冒、咳嗽颇有疗效。
- But sudoriferous induce sweat , lukewarm lung stops drink , cold of convection travel sex , cough to have curative effect quite .