- 无聊的解毒剂之一就是战争。
- One antidote to ennui is war .
- 避免孤立的最佳解药是找对人员并听取其意见。
- The best antidote to isolation is to listen to the right people .
- 但解决恐慌问题的主要解药只能是改革,尤其是在意大利。
- But the main antidote to panic has to be reform , above all in italy .
- 这也是在宏观经济政策之外找到解决停滞问题解药的另一个原因。
- It is also a reason to look for antidotes to stagnation beyond macroeconomic policy .
- 但是呼唤外交手段是要为那些毒害地缘政治的对头们寻找解药。
- Yet the high calling of diplomacy is to find antidotes to the rivalries that poison geopolitics .
- 解药和治疗方法:尚未发现伞形毒菌的解药,但是,中毒者可以通过肝脏移植存活下来。
- Antidotes and treatments : there are no known antidotes for amanita poisoning ; however , victims have survived after receiving liver transplants .