- 南亚人将它的前面切开并在后面储存货物放入存有物品的桌子,将其改成了商店。
- South asians turn them into shops by cutting open the front and adding tables for selling goods stored in the back .
- 坐在别的桌子边上的那些人都去睡觉了:突然这一沉静下来,我们清楚地听到冰柱低沉的哄叫声,冰柱像个巨大的骨头徒劳地想在岩石层上滚动。
- People from the other tables had gone to bed : in the sudden silence we distinctly heard the deep roar of a serac , like the bones of a giant trying in vain to turn over in his bed of rock .
- 其他微小、低等的生物也进化出了抗(对大多数动物来说是致命的)蛇咬的能力,他们中的一部分抗性动物成功扭转了战局,征服并消耗着他们有毒的敌人。
- Other small , humble creatures have evolved ways to endure what for most animals would be lethal snakebites , and some of these resistant animals turn the tables to conquer and consume their venomous foes .