- 3/17土耳其.安卡拉:游客们漫步于土兹湖(tuzgolu,土耳其语,意谓盐湖)。
- 3 / 17 Ankara , turkey : tourists walk on tuz golu , which means salt lake in turkish , the second biggest lake in turkey , located in the central anatolia region
- 审判无水氯化镁镁产量将推动发展的成功,导致更高的附加值,水业集团能耗低,将大大促进盐湖资源,可持续发展和青海工业发展的发展。
- Trial production of anhydrous magnesium chloride magnesium will drive the success of the development , leads to higher value-added , low consumption of water industry group , would greatly contribute to the development of salt lake resources , sustainable development and industrial development in qinghai .
- 太阳正降落在大盐湖的南端---照片后面的山坐落在羚羊岛(antelopeisland)上。
- The sun was setting over the southern end of the great salt lake -- the mountain in the background is on antelope island .
- 伴随金属离子沉淀作用的采用化学和电解系统的连续脱硝工艺过程。
- A continuous denitration process using chemical and electrolytic systems accompanying the precipitation of metal ions .
- 采用电解液双轴倾角传感器进行倾角测量。
- It adopts the electrolytic tilt sensor to measure angles of tilts .
- 下列有关电化学电池,说明何者是对的?
- Which of the following statements about voltaic and electrolytic cells is correct ?