- 一辆出租车响起了喇叭。
- A taxi cab honked its horn .
- 女儿在外头,坐在驾驶座上摁着喇叭。
- My daughter was outside in the driver 's seat blowing the horn .
- 在我们更进一步探索之前,马重重的按喇叭叫我们回去。
- Before we could explore further , ma thumped his horn and called us back .
- 第二点是,羽毛中的黑素体总是镶嵌在组成羽毛的角蛋白中。
- The second was that the melanosomes in her feathers were always embedded in the keratin of which the feather is made .
- 羽毛中包含有角质,油脂以及为它们带来斑斓色彩的色素,羽毛所起到的作用让人惊叹。
- Composed of keratin , lipids and the pigments that give them their beautiful brilliant colors , feathers are particularly fascinating given the amazing work that they do .
- 然而,眼睛却需要透明的保护层;在眼睛表面不能覆盖有死细胞或者角蛋白。
- Your eyes need to be transparent , however ; they can 't be covered by a layer of dead cells and keratin .