- 他认为,教堂应当以观赏和倾听为设计初衷没有阴暗,没有窃窃私语。
- Churches , he thought , should be designed for seeing and hearing-no dimness , no murmuring .
- 他们能听到战鼓声、号角声、南方起义者呼叫声,他们能看见脚上打了泡的士兵扛着破碎的旗子在雨中行进。
- They were hearing drums and bugles and the rebel yell , seeing footsore men going by in the rain with torn flags slanting .
- 在实验中大学生们被告知了字母的名字,然后把字母在他们面前显示53毫秒图像很难辩论出来并形成纹理图听到字母的名字可以大约提高他们认出图像10个百分点的机率。
- In experiments where college undergraduates were told the name of a letter before that letter was flashed at them for just 53 milliseconds - images that were hard to make out and followed by a grainy pattern - hearing the name of the letter improved their chances of seeing it by roughly 10 percent .