- 仔细的观察也是另一个好办法。
- Another effective strategy is close observation .
- 这是奥芝克经典的观察事物的方法。
- This is a classic ozick observation .
- 你可以观察到什么?
- What observation can you make ?
- 在家时观察您的孩子。
- Observe your kids at home .
- 观察孩子在学校的表现。
- Observe your kids performance in school .
- 注意你内心和身体里的感觉不要判断它。
- Observe the feeling in your mind and body without judging it .
- 观察你自己来认识这种周期。
- Watch yourself to recognize this cycle .
- 多看电影,多读书。
- Watch movies and read books .
- 观看后可总结你自己的观点。
- Watch it and make your conclusion .
- 另一份政府调查报告显示,房市仍然处于低迷状态。
- Another government survey showed the housing market remains in the doldrums .
- 国际货币基金组织公布了一份关于借款和存款的金融准入的调查报告。
- The imf publishes a financial access survey of depositors and borrowers .
- 一周前,一项调查报告向人们揭示了一个重要的事实。
- Another week , another survey purporting to reveal great truths about ourselves .