- 阿尔及尔当局在二十年血腥冲突的洗礼下,考虑到其更加血腥的殖民历史,他们从另一个角度看问题也很自然。
- But it is natural , too , that the authorities in algiers hardened by 20 years of bloody strife , and a bloodier colonial history see things from another point of view .
- 他表示:“当阳光不在,夏季过去,我们都将清醒过来,看到一切荒芜依旧。”
- " When the sun goes away and the summer ends , we 're all going to wake up and see things are as barren as ever , " he said .
- 象鲁迅先生所言,同样一部《红楼梦》“经学家看见易,道学家看见淫,才子看见缠绵,革命家看见排满,流言家看见宫闱秘事”。人体彩绘有多少艺术价值?
- Like mr. lu xun said , the same one " dream of the red chamber , " " the scientists see easy to see heterosexual sex , wets see poetry , revolutionaries to see filled , rumors home secretary toured see things . " Body paint number of artistic value ?