- 在加拿大,为什么人们有时候会把植物覆盖起来?
- Why do people sometimes cover plants in canada ?
- 这本书的封面上应当有你的名字!
- This book should have your name on the cover !
- 它们的阴影一定覆盖了加拿大。
- Their shadows must cover canada .
- 21世纪将会颠覆很多我们关于经济生活的基础设想。
- The 21st century will overturn many of our basic assumptions about economic life .
- 分析人士说,这名前墨西哥市市长推翻选举结果的可能性几乎不存在。
- Analysts say it is highly unlikely the former mexico city mayor would overturn the result .
- 该党还希望推翻法院对包括他信的200多名议员的禁令。
- It also wants to overturn court-ordered bans on over 200 mps , including mr thaksin .
- 每个人都会有心烦意乱的时候。
- Everyone gets upset on occasion .
- 这个实验和其他一些实验帮助阿尔佛雷德向人们展示了:心烦能够改变人的脑电波。
- This experiment and others helped alfred loomis show how emotional upset could change human brain waves .
- 在事后被告知这项既成的事实时,汤姆感到心烦,同时因为所有开支的压力而不堪重负。
- Tom was upset because he was told after the fact , and he felt burdened with all the expenses .
- 他们正在为外科医生开发一种技术,使他们能够在患者身上覆盖扫描图像,从而能更容易地进行手术计划。
- They are developing technology for surgeons that would allow them to overlay scan images on to patients to make it easier to plan operations .
- 所有这些都把因特网与现实世界重叠起来,或者认为它与现实世界比邻而居,而不是把它当作是个独立的空间。
- All these approaches treat the internet as an overlay or an adjunct to the physical world , no t a separate space .
- 最后还要给文字加上一点淡淡梯度重叠和1个像素的内部白光。
- Finally , I also added a little layer style to the text with a faint gradient overlay as shown and a 1px inner glow with white .
- 当你和孩子们一起做糖果时用上糖果涂层会很好。
- Confectionery coating is great to use when you 're making candies with kids .
- 研究者用机器人潜水艇发现原油覆盖了脆弱的深海珊瑚植被生态系统。
- Researchers using robot subs are finding oil coating fragile deepwater coral ecosystems .
- 而这种新技术的基本构想就是在金属覆盖层中加入微小并且充满液体的胶囊。
- The basic idea of the new technology is to infiltrate this coating with tiny , fluid-filled capsules .