- 另外他这么做是代表了美国和西非经济体国家(ecowas)以及西方国家,即美国和英国这两个前殖民大国的立场,并获得了这些国家的认可。
- Moreover , he was acting on behalf of , and with the full knowledge of , the united nations , the countries of the economic community of west africa ( ecowas ) and western countries too , namely america and britain , the former colonial power .
- 塞拉利昂和几内亚比绍水域的调查发现,非法捕鱼比例分别为29%和23%。
- Surveys of sierra leone and guinea bissau waters found that levels of illegal fishing at 29 % and 23 % .
- 在4月12日的一次精心策划的行动中,全副武装的军事部队再一次控制了该国首都比绍的几个重要地方。
- Heavily armed troops again took control of key parts of the capital , bissau , in a carefully planned operation on april 12th .
- 这些炮弹来自葡萄牙,也就是说,来自葡属几内亚即几内亚(比绍)。
- The origin of the shells was portuguese ; that is to say they came from portuguese guinea or guinea ( bissau ) .
- 这些螺旋形的船只是香蕉植物茎的一部分。
- These spiral vessels are part of a banana plant stem .
- 限制从非洲、加勒比海和太平洋地区以外进口香蕉。
- Restricting banana imports from outside africa , the caribbean and pacific .
- 他将自己的香蕉种植园从250公顷扩大到了300公顷。
- He himself expanded his banana plantation to 300 hectares from 250 .