- 西昆仑山前晚新生代地貌与沉积特征记录了西昆仑山及青藏高原西北缘的隆升过程。
- The late cenozoic geomorphologic and sedimentary features in the west kunlun mountain front record the uplift process of the west kunlun mountains and the western margin of the qinghai-tibet plateau .
- 古地磁研究结果显示,西昆仑山前磨拉石形成于中新世晚期-上新世早中期,反映西昆仑山-青藏高原在中新世晚期有一次快速的隆升过程。
- Paleomagnetic study shows that the molasse in the front of the west kunlun formed in the late miocene to early-mid pliocene , reflecting that a rapid uplift process took place in the west kunlun-qinghai-tibet plateau in the late miocene .
- 金星的自转方向与地球相反,它是太阳系中唯一自东向西逆转的大行星,因此在金星上出现太阳西升东落的奇景。
- The direction of venus 's rotation is opposite to that of the earth and is the only major planet that travels reversely from the west to the east , as a result of which there appears on venus the extraordinary sight of the sun rising from the west and setting in the east .