- 她曾这样说过,虽然她有着东方人的面孔,却有着一颗西方人的心。
- She said that although her face was oriental she was , at heart , a westerner .
- 莫斯科官方担保他是看到结果的第一个西方人,这个结果他是从广播中得知。
- Moscow ensured he was the first westerner to see the results , which he received mid-broadcast .
- 假定出现这种情形:一位西方人走进一个波斯同事的办公室,对挂在墙上的画表示赞美。
- Consider this scenario : a westerner walks into the office of a persian colleague and admires a painting on the wall .
- 这个建筑确实设计得非常好,并且受到了很多西方游客的好评。
- Buildings were indeed very well designed which was certified by many visiting westerners .
- 你和外国人一块吃饭吗?什么样的习惯他们认为是礼貌的!
- Do you eat with westerners ? See what they consider as polite habits !
- 某些西方人士仍认为,阻挠这种愿望正是西方目前应该设法在埃及做的事情。
- Some westerners still believe this is what the west should seek to do now in egypt .