- 乏味的确意味着兴趣狭窄。
- What boring does mean is narrow .
- 很多演讲者的领域很窄。
- Most speakers have a narrow range .
- 狭窄街道上的交通让人望而却步。
- Traffic on narrow streets is harrowing .
- 她们不仅可以得到钱,同时还意味着她们可以从此搬出大学校园里狭小的宿舍。
- They not only get money , it may also mean they can afford to move out of cramped university dormitories .
- 如果你来自海外,你可能要在一艘狭窄拥挤的货船甲板上租用一个位置。
- If you came from abroad , you would have hired space on the deck of a cramped cargo vessel .
- 在拥挤狭小的公寓和大房子之间做选择,我们往往将注意力集中在后者带来的有形资产。
- Given the choice between that cramped apartment and the big house , we focus on the tangible gains offered by the latter .