- 自从1992年,这位艺术家就开始在公共场合用图片和录像来展出裸体形象。
- The artist has been documenting the nude figure in public through photography and video since 1992 .
- 我第一次在公共场合裸体是在2001年的夏威夷海滩。
- I first experienced nudity in public on a nude beach in hawaii in 2001 .
- 次日清晨她醒来的时候,报告上说,“她一丝不挂地躺在床上,而且完全不记得自己是怎么被脱掉了衣服。”
- The next morning she awoke " on a bed , completely nude , with no memory of how she had been undressed " , the document says .
- 安妮对裸体感到紧张吗?
- Was anne nervous about being naked ?
- 高盛和美林否认他们参与了非法的裸卖空。
- Goldman and merrill deny that they participated in unlawful naked shorting .
- 一些人质疑在交易失败与裸卖空之间的联系。
- Some question the link between failed trades and naked shorting .
- 她还表示:让孩子们看到几个裸露的胸部并没什么大问题。
- She said she couldn 't see a problem with children being exposed to a few bare breasts .
- 装饰感恩节餐桌是一回事,但我们怎能让自家大门光秃秃的。
- Decorating the table is one thing , but don 't leave your door bare .
- 不久,强风和11月份的暴雨将为它们敲响了警钟,树木将被剥离裸露。
- Soon the strong winds and rains of november will take their toll , and the trees will be stripped bare .
- 不良管理技术将会被揭露。
- Bad management techniques will be exposed .
- 神户暴露了日本令人遗憾的准备不足。
- Kobe exposed japan 's lamentable preparedness .
- activedirectory信息会暴露给用户?
- Active directory information exposed to users ?