- 现今的年轻人如何从中获益?
- How will today 's young people benefit ?
- 亚洲公司将获益最多。
- Asian firms will benefit most .
- 两国都得益于自由贸易。
- Both would benefit from free trade .
- 这是电视的另一大优点。
- That is its other big advantage .
- rovio通过完美的定位来获得好处。
- Rovio was perfectly positioned to take advantage .
- 亚马逊具有先行者的优势。
- Amazon has the first-mover advantage .
- 比如,假若法庭裁决有爱情存在的话,与未成年人的性关系有时是被宽恕的。
- For instance , sexual relations with a minor is sometimes excused if the court rules there is love .
- 他成了一个小职员。
- He became a minor clerk .
- 小面积停电频繁发生。
- Frequent minor blackouts are common .