- 同时,箱体上有一台电视机的形象,放映的是美国工人在底特律的电视机组装线上作业的情景。
- The image of a television on the box , meanwhile , displays a picture of american workers on the line assembling televisions in detroit .
- 在他们寻找贷款的时候,karma的组装工作被放到了芬兰。
- At the time it sought a loan , it was assembling the karma in finland .
- 三菱电器也开始关注本国太阳能产业,他们考虑了一系列方案:发射巨大的组件,然后在太空中把他们组装起来。
- When mitsubishi electric started looking at solar power in japan it , too , was thinking along the lines of launching giant structures and assembling them in space .
- 他可以仅仅召集起支持者联盟,推进美国的利益。
- He could simply assemble coalitions of the willing to advance us interests .
- 蓄意阻挠的员工被解雇,聚集成群的工人们被粗暴驱散。
- Obstructionist shop stewards are sacked and workers who assemble in groups are violently dispersed .
- 今天,大多数股票都由能够组装一个多元化的投资组合的机构投资者拥有。
- Today most equities are owned by institutional investors who can assemble a diversified portfolio .
- 为了获取所需数据,通用汽车开始在触发安全气囊的电控模块上安装一个小型存储器。
- To obtain the data it required , gm began fitting a small memory unit to the electronic module that triggers the airbags .
- 这种状态通过安装各自带有电动机的轮子酌情达成,电动机既可顺时针转动又可逆时针转动。
- This is achieved by fitting each wheel with an electric motor that can rotate either clockwise or anticlockwise , as appropriate .
- 对于一个旨在推动另一种作物发展的会议而言,这是一个恰当的主办城市名。
- It is a fitting name for the host city of a conference whose aim is toencourage the new blossoming of another plant .