- ebay的出价是有约束力的合同。
- An ebay bid is a binding contract .
- 此外我们还需要具有约束力的政策协调机制。
- And you need binding policy co-ordination mechanisms .
- 就是这条对个人的约束性要求使保守派最为担忧。
- It is this binding requirement on individuals that exercises conservatives most .
- 在几年之后的第一堂图书装订课上我就该意识到,这项技艺将会对我产生深远的影响。
- Years later , in that first bookbinding class I should have known this convergence would have a profound effect .
- 伦敦书刊装订厂目前正在酝酿推出一项新的相册服务。
- London collers are now bookbinding factory is currently the launch of a new photo album services .
- 比得生活并工作在威尔茅斯-加洛大陆,在那里的修道院中,人们认为这本书是由一个受过传统埃及科普特装订与装饰技术训练的人制作的。
- Bede lived and worked on the mainland at wearmouth-jarrow , the monastery where the book is believed to have been made by a man trained in the tradition of egyptian coptic bookbinding and decoration .
- 如果谈到内心,你想到的是一整张床单似的织物,那么恐怕这种象征让你产生了误解。
- If what comes to mind is a single , rent sheet of fabric , then I 'm afraid the symbolism has led you astray .
- 早些时候的竞争导致散页乐谱价格跌至每份一美分。
- Competition had earlier reduced sheet music to a mere penny a copy .
- 在最糟糕的情况下,投资条款清单几乎还不足一页a4纸,尽职调查也往往十分粗略。
- In the worst cases , term sheets barely covered an a4 sheet of paper and due diligence was often cursory .