- 银行和政府机关被铁丝网围护,外面是装甲车。
- Barbed wire surrounds banks and state-owned offices , with armoured cars outside .
- 附近停着联合国装甲车,不过投票现场一派祥和。
- Un armoured cars were parked nearby but the atmosphere was overwhelmingly peaceful .
- 军队和装甲车已经进驻市区,但是并没有采取任何行动。
- Troops and armoured vehicles have been deployed but have not taken any action .
- 在总统府外面政府军至少部署了5辆坦克和两辆其他装甲车。
- The army has stationed at least five tanks and two other armored vehicles outside the presidential complex .
- 装甲座舱是对mi-8的另一项重大改进,完整覆盖机鼻和机腹部分的装甲钢板能够保护飞行员。
- The armored cockpit another major improvement of the mi-8 , complete coverage of the nose and belly part of the armor plate to protect the pilot .
- 他的装甲列车护航队,据称有上九十节车厢之长,通常只用来护送他在他那些地下秘密建筑之间穿行。
- His armored train convoy , reportedly up to 90 carriages long , is typically only used to shepherd him between his secret underground compounds .