- 一个周末,他们6岁的女儿正待在西布利家里,布劳内尔收到了前夫发来的一条短信,说城里有个儿童游行马上开始,他们的小女儿希望打扮成一只恐龙或是芭蕾舞演员去参加游行。
- During a weekend when their 6-year-old daughter was staying with mr. sibley , ms. brownell got a text from her ex saying a children 's parade in town was starting soon , and the little girl wanted to dress up as either a dinosaur or a ballerina .
- 他玩乔装打扮的次数不比内战重演者们少,尽管他选的制服是高档的暴徒装白色t恤和左胸口袋上绣有“mccallisteralley”字样的防风夹克。
- He played dress-up as much as the civil war re-enactors did , though his uniform of choice was upscale hoodlum-white t-shirt and a windbreaker that had " mccallister alley " stitched over the left breast pocket .
- 他玩乔装打扮的次数不比内战重演者们少,尽管他选的制服是高档的暴徒装白色t恤和左胸口袋上绣有“mccallisteralley”字样的防风夹克。
- He played dress-up as much as the civil war re-enactors did , though his uniform of choice was upscale hoodlum-white t-shirt and a windbreaker that had " mccallister alley " stitched over the left breast pocket .
- 而公司也可以用它制作出监视热门话题的应用。
- Businesses could turn out impressive buzz-monitoring applications .
- 这样汽车制造商可以在更短的时间内以较低的成本设计出新车型。
- So makers would be able to turn out new models quicker and at lower cost .
- 即使是最基本的经济学假设原来都是有例外的。
- Even the most basic assumptions of economics turn out to have exceptions .