- 设计固定装置并设立测试。
- Design fixtures and set up test .
- 但是这个房地产代理人从不后悔在她豪华公寓里安装了kohler装置。
- But the real estate agent has no regrets about stocking her luxury apartment with kohler fixtures .
- 确认所有新的工夹具都符合要求。
- Confirms all new fixtures meet requirements .
- 相反地,大银行将随着存款变得昂贵而削减他们的存款基数。
- Conversely , the big banks would trim their deposit bases as they became more expensive .
- 现在不是提高消费税的时候,也不是削减医疗和养老金福利的时候。
- Now is not the time to raise taxes on consumption and trim healthcare and pension benefits .
- 他要关闭的基地和削减的项目背后都有一个游说团体在维护。
- Every base he would close and programme he would trim has a lobby to defend it .
- 这么说栽赃不是蓄意针对个人的了?
- So the fit up it 's not personal ?
- 不能再这样下去了!我受够了!
- Not again ! I 'm fit up with this !
- 我们花了大约半个小时才安装好这套仪器。
- It took us about half an hour to fit up the apparatus .