- 如果警方能沿嫌犯的路径重走一遍,就有可能破解案件。
- If the cops can retrace the suspect 's path , they can potentially crack the case .
- 研究人员发明了一种更坚固的钢材,不会在低温下出现裂缝或断裂。
- Researchers have created a tougher form of steel that will not splinter or crack at low temperatures .
- 还有一种可能就是,地基墙有裂缝,水才渗了进来。
- Another possibility is that the foundation wall has a crack that 's allowing water to penetrate .
- 然而这次工会运动存在着分歧。
- But the union movement is split .
- 这也是医生产生分歧的地方。
- That 's where doctors are split .
- 这一抉择让一些家庭出现分歧。
- The decision has split some families .
- 而在两者之间的间隙看上去几乎完全是一片黑暗。
- Between the two is a gap that appears almost completely dark .
- 谁来填补这一空白?
- Who can fill the gap ?
- 而且这一差距正在增大。
- And the gap is growing .
- 对腭裂术后病人的一种新的语音训练方法。
- A new speech training method for patients following cleft palate repair .
- 唇裂或腭裂并非上天的诅咒,厄运的征兆。
- A cleft lip or palate is not a curse or omen .
- 多吃些花生,有助于防治唇裂、眼睛发红发痒、脂溢性皮炎等多种疾病。
- Eat more peanuts , will help control cleft lip , his eyes red and itchy , seborrheic dermatitis and other diseases .
- 这些微裂纹越来越多,最后多到足以使这些部位的构造断裂。
- These cracks become more numerous and eventually large enough for the structure to fail .
- 如果成形操作剧烈的话,在那些渗碳体薄膜的地方很容易产生裂纹。
- With severe forming operations , cracks are liable to start at these cementite membranes .
- 甚至不会看着蚂蚁急匆匆地穿过夏日人行道上的裂缝。
- Or even watch ants scurry across cracks in the summer sidewalk .