- 如果一只蜜蜂身上没有任何遮掩的东西,我们将无法在蜂巢里发现什么。
- There is nothing to be found in a beehive that is not submerged in a bee .
- 原告包括12个州政府、3个市政府、一些支持该法案的激进主义团体和即将被海洋吞没得太平洋岛屿萨摩亚群岛。
- The plaintiffs comprise 12 states , three city governments , various activist groups , and american samoa , a soon-to-be-submerged pacific territory .
- 柴油供电的种类需要通过通气管取得空气;核动力的能够无限期地停留在水中。
- The diesel-powered sort needed to take on air through a snorkel ; nuclear-powered ones would be able to stay submerged indefinitely .
- 维纳:是的,“中和”是档案中出现的最可怕的词语之一。
- Prof. wiener : yeah , neutralizing is one of the scary words which appear in the file .
- 费尔普斯:但是在框架内,也就是说,在西方文明的参量内,是的。
- Phelps : but within the framework -- within the parameters of western civilization , in other words , yeah .
- 迪:是的,没有手提钻的声音,没有飞机的声音。
- Dylan : yeah , no jackhammer sounds , no airplane sounds .