- 崔健的父母对婷婷的请求越来越多,并且大事小情都要婷婷来做,婷婷从白领彻底沦为崔家的保姆,婷婷一气之下分开了家。
- Cui jian parents of the request more and more graceful , and events are little lover to do , tingting from graceful white-collar thoroughly become cui home nanny , tingting flay separate home .
- 娇柔的胴体,顺滑的肌肤,曼妙婀娜、丰姿绰约的身影,张扬、桀骜不驯个性,让人有种征服的冲动。
- Feminine nude , smooth skin , lithe and graceful figure graceful , feng zi , make public , unruly personality , let a person gutty conquer impulse .
- 意大利给我的第一印象,就是,好多山……我们穿过了无数个山底隧道,两个国家气质也明显不同,法国精致优美,意大利粗犷宏伟。
- My first impression of italy was so many mountains , especially near the boundary , we passed through countless tunnels , and I really felt the divine difference between italy and france , france is graceful and delicate , but italy is grand and sculptural .