- 私营部门公司正在放弃他们对于固定收益养老金计划(db)的承诺,在该方案中雇员根据其退休时的薪资标准获得收入。
- Private-sector companies have been abandoning their commitment to defined-benefit ( db ) pension schemes , in which employees receive an income based on their final salary .
- 光顾该市场的非金融企业仍然很少,今年仅有的两次重要本土债券发行,发行方分别是住宅地产开发商mirvac和地产投资信托公司dbrreef。
- Non-financial companies are still rare visitors to the market , with only two significant domestic bond issues this year , from residential property developer mirvac and the property investment trust db rreef .
- 锁服务将跟踪数据库锁(比如通过在一个专门的数据库表保存必要的信息),提供或拒绝对应用程序请求数据库操作的许可。
- The locking service would track database locking ( for example by storing the necessary information in a dedicated db-table ) and give or deny permissions to the application programs requesting a db operation .
- 大峡谷还向人类展示出,地层的上升与下沉是交替进行的,因为在海相化石层之间夹杂有植物化石层。
- The grand canyon also demonstrates that uplift and subsidence alternated , since it contains plant fossil layers sandwiched between marine fossil layers .
- 湖北省铁路建设办主任王祖建对官方通讯社新华社称,事故发生后进行的调查发现,有逾7公里的轨道路基存在沉降现象。
- Wang zujian , a director of the provincial railway construction bureau , told the official xinhua news agency that investigations after the accident found evidence of subsidence along more than 7km of the line .
- 三角洲地区则会更加不幸,因为任何的沉降都会造成沉淀物补给的减少,而这些河流沉淀物常受困于灌溉,水电生产和洪水预防工程而无法抵达上游地区。
- Deltas are doubly damned , since any subsidence is often coupled with a lessened supply of replenishing sediment , which is often trapped upstream by irrigation , hydropower production and flood-control projects .