- 接下来的寒冷和干燥保存了它们不会腐烂。
- The subsequent cold and dry have preserved them from decay .
- 这些源源不断地软饮料增加了牙齿腐烂的风险。
- This constant beverage use increases the risk of tooth decay .
- 主要有四个因素会影响到尸体腐烂的速度和完整性。
- Four main factors affect the pace and completeness of decay .
- 面向国内的金融举措日益泛滥,意味着国际金融体系不仅处于割裂状态,还可能全面瓦解。
- The proliferation of domestic - oriented finance measures not only fragments the international financial system , but risks its disintegration .
- 他们必须减少通货紧缩与通货膨胀,违约与崩溃的危险。
- They will have to discount the prospects of deflation and inflation default and disintegration .
- 一些列不确定性明显扩大:市场同时需要减少通胀、违约以及崩溃。
- The range of uncertainties is unusually wide : markets need to discount inflation default and disintegration all at the same time .
- 伊丽莎白布兰克本和杰克斯佐斯塔克发现端粒上一段独特的dna序列保护染色体免遭降解。
- Elizabeth blackburn and jack szostak discovered that a unique dna sequence in the telomeres protects the chromosomes from degradation .
- 鱼藤酮因为无法降解而坏了名声,铜也会存在很长很长的时间。
- Rotenone is notorious for its lack of degradation , and copper sticks around for a long , long time .
- 最让人期待的目标是减少砍伐森林和森林退化,即redd+。
- The most anticipated aimed at reduced deforestation and forest degradation , also known as redd + .