- 性感的成人服装和迪斯尼白雪公主衬裙。
- Sexy adult disney snow white costume & underskirt .
- 她坐下时,衬裙往上缩。
- Her underskirt rode up when she sat down .
- 每一天、每一小时、每一分钟都是那么特别。
- Every day , every hour , underskirt , and every minute is special .
- 思嘉撂下手里的缰绳,把自己的裙子提起来,底下那条镶花边的衬裙又漂亮又完整,那是她唯一的一条了。
- Scarlett laid down the reins and pulled up her skirt . The lace-trimmed petticoat beneath was the last garment she possessed that was pretty -- and whole .
- 在路上有个穿红裙的神秘女人跟着他们走了一阵子。
- On the way , a mysterious woman with a red petticoat walked with them for a while .
- 他叫我丈夫把我最好的一条衬裙拿去包船桨。
- He made my husband take my best petticoat to muffle the oars .
- 你拿着内衣干什么?
- What are you doing with that underdress ?
- 这套内衣是新的吧?
- Is this underdress new ?
- 我们坚持只做最性感、最舒适、最时尚、最有魅力的内衣,让你时刻感受着贴心的宠爱!
- We insist on working at the most sexy , comfortable , fashionable , and charming underdress in order to let you feel being favored at every moment .
- “巴黎是真丑,当它穿上白衬衫的时候!”
- " How ugly paris is when it has put on a white chemise ! "
- 这时他要是看看她,会发现她显得多么迷人,也许他脸上那副吓人的表情就会消失。
- If only he would look at her and see how nice she looked in her chemise , perhaps that frightening look would leave his face .
- 凯蒂猫可爱切米斯自梳简红条纹,女睡衣。
- Hello kitty intimates the simply adorable chemise in red stripe , sleepwear for women .