- 即便这样,cit将竭力让市场以及评级机构对其商业模式的生命力有信心,而这种生命力在很大程度上依赖于来自资本市场的融资。
- Even then , cit will struggle to convince markets and rating agencies of the viability of its business model , which relies largely on funding from capital markets .
- 根据电子邮件交流,从情报机构获得的隐蔽的资金也是在计划中的。
- Acquiring covert funding from intelligence agencies was , according to the email exchanges , also contemplated .
- 最后,决策者需要重新考虑评级机构的特权地位和资金来源。
- Finally , policymakers need to reconsider the privileged position and funding of the rating agencies .