- 这种衣料能经得住反复洗涤。
- This dress material will withstand repeated washings .
- 见习期或试用期是劳动者开始履行新的劳动合同、从事新职业的适应期。
- Novitiate or probation are laborer begins to fulfil new labor contract , be engaged in new occupational suiting period .
- 忽然发现今天并不是一个适合出来的日子!
- Discovers suddenly today and is not a day for suiting out !
- 摘要适应金融国际化和防范金融风险的需要,我国的金融体制应继续进行改革。
- Suiting the needs of financial internationalization and guarding against financial risk , our financial system should be going on reforming .
- 你能帮我选一下衣服吗?
- Can you help me select the dress ?
- 艺术节们有时候穿着可笑,经常睡懒觉。
- Artists sometimes dress funny and tend to stay up late .
- 实在很难想象乔恩克鲁达斯穿着粉色褶边连衣裙的样子。
- It is quite hard to imagine jon cruddas in a frilly pink dress .
- 把一个鞋子收纳袋放在近处(门上或者墙钩上),在口袋里装上尿布、擦拭布、护臀霜、尿布别针,温度计、口水巾和奶嘴。
- Hang a shoe organizer near by ( on the door or hook on a wall ) and fill the pockets with diapers , wipes , butt cream , diaper pins , thermometer , burp cloths and pacifiers .
- 根据这些情况,我便开始考虑把那些破衣服整理一下。
- Upon those views I began to consider about putting the few rags I had , which I call 'd cloths , into some order .
- 比如在哈尔滨工业大学(harbininstituteoftechnology),由于学生普遍近视,从食堂到图书馆,校园内的公共场所到处可见悬挂着的擦镜布,这是为忙碌的学生清洁镜片而准备的。
- At the harbin institute of technology , for example , shortsightedness is so common that eyeglass cleaning cloths are hung in public spaces across campus , from the canteen to libraries , for harried students to use to wipe their lenses clean .