- 道路上的路边石被去除,创造出由骑自行车者、行人和汽车共享的大道。
- Kerbs have been stripped out , along with the usual road markings , to create a thoroughfare that is designed to be shared by cyclists , pedestrians and cars alike .
- 一场史无前例的冬季暴风雪袭击了与雪几乎绝缘的芝加哥地区,积雪导致数百辆汽车在湖滨大道上被通宵围困了12个小时之久,很多城里的小学生有幸第一次见到下雪天。
- A winter blizzard of historic proportions wobbled an otherwise snow-tough chicago , stranding hundreds of drivers for up to 12 hours overnight on the city 's showcase lakeshore thoroughfare and giving many city schoolchildren their first ever snow day .
- 法租界以其林荫大道和优雅的咖啡馆著称,英租界则有豪华的私人俱乐部,美租界的特色是繁华的商业街和百老汇。
- The french concession became famous for its beautiful tree-lined streets and elegant cafes the british for its sumptuous private clubs and the american for the bustling commerce along its main thoroughfare broadway .